Provided free of charge by: Best Trash L.L.C.
Date: Saturday – April 22nd, 2023
Location: Humble Middle School
11207 Will Clayton Parkway, Humble, Texas 77346
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Items We Accept
- Personal computers
- CRT TV’s ($25.00 disposal Fee)
- Keyboards, mouse, and speakers
- Cameras
- Switches & routers
- Cords & cables
- Game consoles
- Small kitchen appliances
- ***Computer monitors including: CRT, LCD, LED, Plasma
- (CRT $10.00 disposal fee)
- Laptops
- Hard drives
- Car batteries
- Memory chips
- Hubs and routers
- Tape drives
- Printers, copiers, and plotters
- Fax machines
- PDAs
- Projectors
- Rechargeable batteries
- Telephones
- Cell phones
- Toner cartridges
CRT-TV’s accepted with fee of $25.00 each for disposal
CRT- Computer Monitors accepted with fee of $10.00 each for disposal
Items Not Accepted
- AAA–AA–D–C–9v Type batteries
- CFL light bulbs
- Major appliances
- Paint
- Aerosol Containers
- Medical Waste or Hazardous Waste