Smart Meters Are Here!

Contractors for Trail of the Lakes MUD have begun the installation of Smart Water Meters for each property in the District, installing them from the northwest to the southeast boundaries of the District.

These meters will ultimately enable every customer to see how much water they are using throughout the day, week, and month. When the smart metering capability begins to function, by downloading an app and connecting to your meter, you will be able to see your usage and even set notifications if the meter senses a continuous water flow through the meter which could indicate a possible internal leak on your property.

The meters will also enable the District to proactively monitor usage throughout the District, which in turn would allow the District’s Operator, Si Environmental, to contact customers when a possible leak is detected.

If you have any problems with your water connection, please contact Si at 832-490-1600 (local) or 877-382-7414 (toll free).